Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black
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Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black

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Vampires Play for Keeps
After centuries of waiting, Dorian Thorne’s day of victory has finally come. The billionaire vampire has found his eternal bond mate in the college student Cora Shaw—and rescued her from the clutches of his enemies. Now with her presentation to vampire society, Cora will become untouchable, and the rise of Dorian and his allies will not be stopped. But his enemies are hatching plots of their own, and Dorian and Cora are at the very center of their twisted and deadly plans….
Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black - Amazon Sales Rank: #336539 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-11-09
- Released on: 2015-11-09
- Format: Kindle eBook
Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black
Where to Download Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Can't get enough By sue ward As the story from Dorian's point of view continues I find myself being drawn deeper into the mind of this complex Agnate.Cora's confusion and frustration at the situation are completely understandable but being given this insight into why Dorian at times appears aloof and unfeeling towards his cognate, the truth is in fact the complete opposite of how it appears, showing just how deeply he loves and is protecting Cora from not only their enemies but himself and the bond that could consume them both.I love this authors writing, the way she conveys the depth of the characters and the complex society they live in is exceptional and I can't get enough.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. DELICIOUSLY DARK AND DIVINELY ENTERTAINING !!! By jlswainsboro/Judy Lewis Title: Blood GamesSeries: Billionaire Vampire's ChoiceDesignation: Book Four of Series, NOT a Standalone, Novella with CliffhangerAuthor: V.M. BlackMy Rating: FIVE SPELLBINDING STARS*****Wow! V.M. Black has delivered yet another winner with Blood Games, the continuation of her riveting new series, Billionaire Vampire's Choice and I'm still totally captivated! This series is a follow up to her two blockbuster hits, Cora's Choice and Cora's Bond which consisted of six books each so hopefully, we'll also have six books of Vampire's Choice to love and enjoy. I do not believe it's necessary to read the other two series first in order to understand or enjoy this one but this is a series folks, so be forewarned. There are multiple novellas and dare I say it, cliffhangers. Yikes! So if you haven't read Books One thru Three, Blood Lust, Cold Blood and Blood Gift, please STOP HERE! But truthfully, there is absolutely nothing I enjoy more than a good serial with nail biting, white knuckle, oh my glory, what's going to happen next, can't wait for the next book endings! And Black delivers in spades! She never fails to tease, tantalize and entertain her readers with her amazing skill, astounding imagination and perfect prose. After reading all twelve books of Cora's Choice and Cora's Bond, I was eager to start reading this series because we finally get to hear the events as told in the first person from Dorian's point of view. I can't even begin to count the number of times I remarked to myself during Cora's story, "I wish I knew what Dorian is thinking" or "what I wouldn't give to know what's going on in Dorian's brain" or "I wonder how Dorian really feels". Well folks, now we do because this is Dorian's story, his past and his present, in his own words. And it is brilliant! After I read the last page, I just sat there for what seemed like an eternity - I was completely blown away. When I read Cora's story, I had no earthly idea that Dorian was so conflicted and in such tortuous psychological as well as physical pain. I never suspected that he had such a visceral and primal reaction to Cora Shaw after seeing her photograph and especially after meeting her for the first time but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's talk some basics about the story. It is well developed, well executed, dark, exciting, powerful, thrilling, riveting, soul searching, introspective, romantic, arousing, seductive and sensual. These are only a few of the words that come to mind after reading this story. The dialogue is intelligent, exceptionally well written and flows beautifully. Ah, the characters, they are the heart and soul of this story. They are captivating, fascinating, complex, engaging, raw and sexy as sin. Black skillfully combines these elements into a wonderfully entertaining paranormal chronicle filled to the brim with intrigue, suspense, political machinations, romance and hope. V.M. Black is a true wordsmith and a master of her trade and I not only enjoy reading her books, I truly savor each and every word. So deliciously dark and divinely entertaining!The premise of the story:In the world of vampires, there are agnates who are the vampires, and cognates who are the blood source for their Agnate. Vampires must have the blood of humans to survive but in this story, very few survive the blood kiss of a vampire. Most humans die but when one does survive, that human becomes a cognate and the sole source of food for that vampire. There are certain benefits gained by surviving a vampire's deadly kiss. A cognate receives enhanced strength, perfect health and a much longer life span. There have always been two rough divisions of vampires. The Kyrioi who believed that humans should be under the power and direction of agnates with agnates being their masters, and the Adelphoi who believed that humans should be free to forge their own destiny with agnates only as observers rather than masters although none were so idealistic to believe that agnates should live without a cognate or personal human thralls, those individuals under the direct blood influence of a vampire to insure their loyalty.Books One thru Three:Billionaire Dorian Thorne is an ancient vampire and a member of the Adelphoi. This story is written from his point of view reverting back and forth between his present and past life, or more accurately past lives and past identities. For centuries Dorian has refused to take a side in this heated debate between factions. It was only after meeting an agnate named Etienne that Alys, a female agnate, is finally able to sway his beliefs and convince him to join her efforts in trying to create a better future for their race. He is now fighting the darkness in his soul and the ever present feeling of hopelessness by striving to bring the Adelphoi into the future through medical research and the use of technology. He is also working to fulfill the dream of his dear agnatic friend, Alys who saved him so many times but finally lost all hope and her will to live 15 years ago. It was her belief that all human life held value and humans should enjoy the freedom to create and their resulting creations would lead to revolutionizing the lives of agnates. And it is now her dream that he fights to bring to fruition but in order to accomplish his goal, he must survive and in order to survive, he desperately needs a cognate. What does hope look like to agnate Dorian Thorne? It looks like the beautiful twenty one year old college student, Cora Shaw who is dying of cancer and has only a few weeks left to live. Through years of medical research, Dorian and the Adelphoi have developed a test that will narrow the odds of death from a vampire's blood kiss. With modern testing, they can now tentatively predict that the odds of survival will be one out of hundred, still unacceptable but undeniable progress. The groundwork for the screening process had been established years ago. A network of doctors treating progressive and fatal diseases had been cultivated and is intact to provide human candidates for their trials because they only accept the terminally ill. But the most important requirement is consent from the patient. Above all else, it's important that only those in full possession of their faculties can give their permissions. So, it is through cancer and the looming certainty of death that has brought Cora Shaw into Dorian's world of blood lust and darkness but she instantly became a beacon of light for this soul weary, warrior of death. There are moments in a person's life that are pivotal and worthy of remembrance, and the moment Dorian Thorne met beautiful grad student, Cora Shaw, is one of the most pivotal and memorable of his entire existence. It's a resurgence of life, a rebirth of hope yet it's a door once entered, offers no return and unfortunately, is as final as death. There could be no return. Vampires can not feel love without a bond and there can be no bond without an exchange of blood - always blood, and the blood creates desire, the insatiable lust and the resulting need for sex. Always the same - blood, bond, love, desire, lust, sex - until her. Without ever having a single drop of her blood, how is it possible that he already feels all those things, dare I say emotions, for this strange, ordinary girl, Cora Shaw? She has passed the initial screening process but she must give her consent and agree to the procedure but she faces the unlikely odds of being only one out of a hundred to survive his deadly blood kiss. He wants her more than his next breath and can now settle for no other - he wants only her. There is no denying the attraction between Dorian and Cora but will she consent? Cora does indeed consent to the procedure, which as it turns out, is Dorian's Blood Kiss. But Cora had no idea to what she was agreeing. Miraculously against all odds, one hundred to one to be exact, Cora Shaw lives, the first success among hundreds of carefully cataloged failures, the result of millions of dollars invested in research. Cora Shaw has survived, her cancer is cured and she now belongs to him! Whoa! She belongs to him??? Dorian has a chance for a new life with his Cora, a glorious rebirth, a new beginning for a new age, a new future not only for him, but also the Adelphoi and possibly the world! Yes, Cora has played the odds and won; she has survived but for how long? She survived the deadly Blood Kiss but can she survive the darkness of his soul and his very nature? Will she accept him? Cora has become a target for Dorian's enemies. They have made an all too real and much too threatening attempt on her safety and her life - and almost succeeded but just who is this enemy and what is the purpose of their efforts. It's simply unheard of - no one has made an attempt on the life on a cognate in some five hundred years so why Cora and why now? Dorian is a millenniums old vampire who has made many enemies, none of whom are more dangerous than the Kyrioi. Could it be them behind this monstrous plot? Will Dorian be able to discover the traitor and reveal the identity of his enemies? Can he successfully protect his new love and his dream??? He must - because Cora Shaw is somehow unique and his need for her goes far beyond simply possessing her. Dorian suddenly realizes in order for him to survive his darkness and preserve his sanity, she must love him; he desperately needs for her to love him of her own volition, without his thrall or persuasion. Can she??? Will she??? But it seems the worst is yet to come for Cora must endure and survive her informal introduction to vampire society and that alone is only the beginning of the battle itself. Cora is still weak - only a scarce few days awakened from Dorian's "blood kiss". Can she find and summon the strength to survive her new bond with Dorian and his enemies which have now become her enemies as well???Book Four:Dorian and Cora continue to test the parameters of their newly forming bond while Dorian struggles against his dangerous dark nature which is always threatening his existence. His new bond with Cora could be his salvation but if he isn't very careful, the secrets he has thus far kept from Cora could also be the cause of his destruction. After her near brush with death, Cora has serious reservations about attending her lesser introduction to vampire society which will include not only the Adelphoi but also the members of the Kyrioi. Knowing this is necessary to ensure her safety, Dorian uses his agnatic power to force Cora's compliance and although the two factions publicly appear to play nice, the undercurrent of distrust and unhappiness from the Kyrioi with Dorian's success is quite obvious.The long followed rules of vampire society dictate that once Cora has been publically introduced as Dorian's cognate, she would now be untouchable and safe from physical harm from Dorian's enemies. Cora has now become the symbol of Dorian's greatest victory over the Kyrioi but since when do his enemies follow the rules??? It seems Cora may have been correct to still doubt her safety. It's unfortunate that Dorian is too much of a gentleman to concede the danger especially since the Kyrioi see this as the loss of only one battle and still plan to win their war against the Aldelphoi by any means necessary. Oh my! What do Dorian's enemies have in store to crush Dorian, Cora, his dreams and the Adelphoi??? No spoilers from me but if you have already read Cora's Choice, then you know the eventual outcome but oh my glory, what we didn't know then! I won't give anything away but I will say this....Handsome, charismatic, ancient vampire with a very darkened soul-check! Beautiful innocent heroine who must navigate a world of darkness to survive-check! Large, wonderful cast of characters-check! Danger, death, drama, intrigue, suspense, supernatural creatures, heinous enemies and evil machinations-check! Heated attraction, fiery passion, sweet romance, steamy, dreamy sex and an undying blood bond-you bet! That and a whole lot more! This is only the beginning of the story!Fabulous Entertainment and an awesome read!Simply Brilliant! Deliciously dark, seriously sexy, completely captivating, thoroughly compelling and definitely entertaining! I was totally spellbound from beginning to end. Hands down, one of the best vampire romances I've ever read and I've read too many to even count! Congratulations Ms Black, you've outdone yourself again! I can hardly wait for Book Five!Complimentary Copy Received In Exchange For An Honest Review.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Sexy and captivating as only VM Black can do it. By BookLover Sexy and captivating as only V.M. Black can do it.This book is the continuation of Cora and Dorian’s love story told through his point of view. I find it interesting that I am more sympathetic for her the more I hear it from him.When read Cora’s Choice Series, she sounded a bit whiney (actually quite a lot at times hehe) but the more I hear from Dorian the more I feel like he’s pushing her too far too soon and I feel that he either gives in completely to the bond or he treats her fully like a human. There shouldn’t be an in-between. Then again I already know what can happen if they give in to the bond and then I understand why he sometimes acts the way he does. I obviously have issues and cannot make up my mind =@I will say this though, I’m glad the romance is at that place where she’s still hesitant but fully aware of the intense emotions and feelings he evokes in her, and Dorian being Dorian makes it all oh, so worthy for her.Another thing I find exceptional about these stories is that the author always manages to expand even the most trivial anecdote into a full-blown, well-told storyline. And the secondary characters, being that they are from Dorian’s world in this story, are clearly not innocent and sinless at all. Kudos for not making them appear something they are not.Great story from a great author and I am glad the next installment is in fact in production. 4 1/2 stars.** I was gifted a copy of this story from the author in exchange for an honest review **
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Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black
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Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black
Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black
Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black
Blood Games: Vampire's Choice #4 (Billionaire Vampire's Choice), by V. M. Black