Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing,

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

If you ally require such a referred Right Or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success And Average Results In Network Marketing, By John Haremza book that will certainly give you value, get the very best seller from us now from numerous preferred authors. If you want to enjoyable books, lots of stories, story, jokes, as well as a lot more fictions compilations are likewise launched, from best seller to one of the most recent released. You may not be puzzled to delight in all book collections Right Or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success And Average Results In Network Marketing, By John Haremza that we will offer. It is not about the prices. It has to do with just what you need now. This Right Or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success And Average Results In Network Marketing, By John Haremza, as one of the best vendors below will certainly be among the best choices to read.

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Read Online and Download Ebook Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Right or Almost Right is based on John Haremza’s 25 years of success in network marketing. It’s John’s answer to the questions so many ask such as, “Where’s the money? Why am I not seeing the success I expected?” As John says, “I meet so many intelligent, hard-working, dedicated network marketers who are struggling. They are not seeing the results they expected, and they always as, “Why?” John believes that the small subtleties of how the network marketing business is done make the big difference between making a little money versus making a lot of money, between success and struggling. He addresses many of the basics of doing “the business,” from prospecting to leading your organization, and points out what is “right” as compared to what is “almost right.” John has lived every example contained in his book. “Network marketing changed my life beyond my wildest imagination,” says John. His story is amazing, from living in a trailer park to a well-known network marketing leader. And his story can help you to make your dreams come true too!

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #360369 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-15
  • Released on: 2015-11-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

About the Author

After he graduated high school, John got a job as a machine operator at the potato chip plant.  When he was promoted to maintenance manager he thought that this $22,000 a year job was the best job he could ever hope for. Then he was introduced to Network Marketing and his life changed forever. 

John’s story is one of those American rags to riches, from adversity and obscurity to a life of dreams. Now after spending 23 years in network marketing John has earned over $12 million.

He has been responsible for product sales of over $500 million.  His teams have earned over $200 million in commissions and he is featured in numerous publications and has produced 100’s of sales tools to support his teams. Currently, a regular speaker, consultant and author, John hopes to bring his message of Right or Almost Right to the masses.

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Where to Download Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. What will it cost to pursue your dream? By Marilyn R Wilson Right or Almost Right is a how to book by a successful network marketer offering guidance for those interested in or currently working in this field. It offers a focused, positive and clear message on how this type of marketing works, what it's advantages are - wealth creation and free time - and what it takes to be successful, step by step. The author offers an easy to read writing style that will work well for busy entrepreneurs who need to fit these lessons into their few quiet moments.I love when an author of this type of book shares his/her personal story first. Who are they and where they have come from are their credentials. Their story offers the reason WHY I should listen to what they say. Haremza struggled in school because of his Dyslexia and was working as a maintenance manager when he began his journey in network marketing. His is truly a rags to riches story. Want to know how he changed his life? It's all here in the pages of Right or Almost Right.There are several things I felt hit the mark in this book. First - his small step philosophy can be applied to every area of life. Next, dream big and write down your goals. To stay focused and excited, review these goals twice every single day. The author also walks you through his Circle of Success - Prepare, Share, Follow up, Get a Positive Decision - and guides you on how to approach each step along the way. Lastly, the message is clear that creating success takes serious hard work -"There is always a cost. What will it cost to pursue your dream? The cost of pursuing your dream is infinitely less than the cost of letting your dream die. The cost of neglect is far, far greater than the cost of discipline."

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great book on Network Marketing By Alaina This book is great for those who are in or interested in or in the world of network marketing.The author has real-world experience with Network Marketing. Haremza went from being from poverty to being a multi-millionaire.This book is full of great knowledge. It starts out with taking small steps. This step could be anything. Some are difficult, some are easy and some will take you up or down. This is the short version of what the author calls the Small Step Philosophy.Something else I like about this book is that Haremza does not sugar coat Network Marketing. He makes sure people know it takes work and it is not a quick get rich scene. He liked to remind the reader that the word "work" is in networking.As previously stated this is a great book about Network Marketing. It is an easy read full of great advice.Recommend it: YesI received this book iRead Book Tours for an honest review. Everything I wrote is my own opinion

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The Book Was Not Just About Developing A Career In Network Marketing; It Was A Book About Developing Ones Self By Michelle Colon-Johnson Right Or Almost Right is the perfect book for those who have questions about Network Marketing. While John Haremza shares his personal journey with transparency, he does so in a way that the book is not focused on "HIS" story but on the potential story of those who might be reading the book. His key focus areas are directed towards providing prevalent facts about the Network Marketing industry, learning how to grow as a person, and what one can do to succeed if they choose not to live a 9-5 life.-Michelle Colon-Johnson Founder of 2 Dream Productions,Inc and Founding Partner of A&M Publishing[...]

See all 25 customer reviews... Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza PDF
Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza iBooks
Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza ePub
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Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza AZW
Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza Kindle

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza
Right or Almost Right: The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results in Network Marketing, by John Haremza

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion),

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Writing America: Literary Landmarks From Walden Pond To Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), By Shelley Fisher Fishkin Exactly how an easy idea by reading can enhance you to be an effective person? Reading Writing America: Literary Landmarks From Walden Pond To Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), By Shelley Fisher Fishkin is a very easy activity. However, how can lots of people be so lazy to review? They will favor to spend their spare time to talking or socializing. When actually, reviewing Writing America: Literary Landmarks From Walden Pond To Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), By Shelley Fisher Fishkin will certainly give you more possibilities to be effective finished with the efforts.

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

PDF Ebook Online Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

American novelist E.L. Doctorow once observed that literature “endows places with meaning.” Yet, as this wide-ranging new book vividly illustrates, understanding the places that shaped American writers’ lives and their art can provide deep insight into what makes their literature truly meaningful.   Published on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Historic Preservation Act, Writing America is a unique, passionate, and eclectic series of meditations on literature and history, covering over 150 important National Register historic sites, all pivotal to the stories that make up America, from chapels to battlefields; from plantations to immigration stations; and from theaters to internment camps. The book considers not only the traditional sites for literary tourism, such as Mark Twain’s sumptuous Connecticut home and the peaceful woods surrounding Walden Pond, but also locations that highlight the diversity of American literature, from the New York tenements that spawned Abraham Cahan’s fiction to the Texas pump house that irrigated the fields in which the farm workers central to Gloria Anzaldúa’s poetry picked produce. Rather than just providing a cursory overview of these authors’ achievements, acclaimed literary scholar and cultural historian Shelley Fisher Fishkin offers a deep and personal reflection on how key sites bore witness to the struggles of American writers and inspired their dreams. She probes the global impact of American writers’ innovative art and also examines the distinctive contributions to American culture by American writers who wrote in languages other than English, including Yiddish, Chinese, and Spanish.      Only a scholar with as wide-ranging interests as Shelley Fisher Fishkin would dare to bring together in one book writers as diverse as Gloria Anzaldúa, Nicholas Black Elk, David Bradley, Abraham Cahan, S. Alice Callahan, Raymond Chandler, Frank Chin, Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, Countee Cullen, Frederick Douglass, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Jessie Fauset, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Allen Ginsberg, Jovita González, Rolando Hinojosa, Langston Hughes,  Zora Neale Hurston, Lawson Fusao Inada,  James Weldon Johnson,  Erica Jong, Maxine Hong Kingston, Irena Klepfisz, Nella Larsen, Emma Lazarus, Sinclair Lewis, Genny Lim, Claude McKay, Herman Melville, N. Scott Momaday, William Northup, John Okada, Miné Okubo, Simon Ortiz, Américo Paredes, John P. Parker, Ann Petry, Tomás Rivera, Wendy Rose, Morris Rosenfeld, John Steinbeck, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, Yoshiko Uchida, Tino Villanueva, Nathanael West, Walt Whitman, Richard Wright, Hisaye Yamamoto, Anzia Yezierska, and Zitkala-Ša.   Leading readers on an enticing journey across the borders of physical places and imaginative terrains, the book includes over 60 images, and extended excerpts from a variety of literary works. Each chapter ends with resources for further exploration. Writing America reveals the alchemy though which American writers have transformed the world around them into art, changing their world and ours in the process.

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #559862 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-11
  • Released on: 2015-10-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.20" h x 1.17" w x 6.98" l, 2.30 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 336 pages
Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Review Shelley Fisher Fishkin talks literature, place, and what it means to be American with Josh Logue (https://goo.gl/W1dgt7) (Inside Higher Ed)"There is no one better suited to illuminate the connections between America’s great authors and the places in which they built their writing and their lives than Shelley Fisher Fishkin; give yourself a thoughtful treat and keep this book by your bedside to dip in and out of as the mood strikes."  (Harper's Bazaar)"Big, handsome, well-illustrated ... A book to own and read over and over again." (Booklist online)"Using the National Register of Historic Places as her guide, the author sparks interesting questions regarding how writers influence, and are influenced by, place … Fishkin's book offers a diverse look at our nation's literary landscape and history." (Publishers Weekly)"Perfect for the armchair traveler or the reader who enjoys hitting the road, Shelley Fisher Fishkin’s Writing America is a meticulously researched, beautifully written survey of the nation’s most beloved literary sites ... A vivid mosaic of the cultures, voices and geographies that inform America’s literary inheritance ... It’s the ultimate trip advisor for lovers of literature and history." (BookPage)"A vibrant and thoughtful guide through American literary history." (Chicago Tribune)"Meeting at the intersection of physical place, history and literature, Writing America brings readers along for the ride, pinpointing the locales that fueled the imaginations of some of our most important writers." (Ms. Magazine)"A must for book-loving travelers of the armchair and more intrepid kinds." (Library Journal)“Published on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Historic Preservation Act, [Writing America] traces the footsteps of William Faulkner, Allen Ginsberg, Zora Neale Hurston, Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher Stowe and many others. With more than 60 illustrations, it's a fascinating trek.”  (San Jose Mercury News)"Filled to the brim with literary treasures; it is a fine traveling companion for those with a little time to wander - and to wonder about America's literary past." (Book Chase)Starred review: "The depth of Fishkin's knowledge and the dynamism of her enthusiasm elevate this 'reader's companion' from superb resource to lustrous and delectable." (Booklist journal)"The Langston Hughes House, the Angel Island Immigration Station, and Hollywood Boulevard…they're all here, having influenced the writing of America's great literary geniuses. But the most poignant and memorable pages aren't about buildings and places; they're about the daily lives, crises, and interactions that motivated these writers to record fascinating, beautiful, and painful passages of history." (American Road)"Through the prism of more than 150 National Register historic sites, this eclectic, essential work honors authors’ voices both mainstream and underrepresented. Thought- and even tear-provoking, Writing America will leave you in awe of the writers whose worlds and words comprise our country’s canon. Lovers of American lit, commence salivating." (Swarthmore College Bulletin)“When landscape and literature meet in Writing America, the life and work of great authors light up as in vivid Technicolor.”  (Stanford Report)"A splendid travel guide for readers." (Yale Alumni Magazine)"Compared to the lavishly costumed usual suspects appearing just in time for holiday buyers, [Writing America] can be seen as a tribute to the taste and intelligence of both the giver and the receiver ... Look inside Writing America and you find a scholar who, according to Erica Jong, 'writes like an angel' about the 'diversity and humor of the American spirit,' including not only familiar figures like Whitman and Twain, but Jewish, Mexican and Asian American writers, and luminaries of the Harlem Renaissance." (Princeton Magazine)"An impressive body of exceptional and detailed scholarship. Highly recommended." (Midwest Book Review)"Writing America is a triumph of scholarship and passion, a profound exploration of the many worlds which comprise our national canon . . . a book that redraws the literary map of the United States." (Junot Díaz author of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao)"This book cuts straight to the soul of America in all its shades and colors. I don't think anyone has ever put together a book that’s quite so extraordinary.  I certainly have never read one." (Hal Holbrook actor, Mark Twain Tonight!, author, Harold)"Just when you thought you knew American literature, along comes Shelley Fisher Fishkin to show you what you've missed . . . and to make you think about it. She ushers us into both familiar and unusual spaces with prose as accessible as it is learned, observations that are clear and sometimes quirky, and quotations that prove the synergy between literature and place. She takes American literature out of the library and relocates it in the public square, revealing its essence as the most eloquent tour guide imaginable." (David Bradley author of South Street and The Chaneysville Incident)"What a fine, informative, and welcome book by Professor Fishkin. In brief, a first class piece of work that has been long in coming. It not only deserves a warm reception, it is also to be treasured by professionals as well as by beginners." (Rolando Hinojosa novelist and essayist)"This absorbing and wondrous book is a glorious cornucopia of America's literary memory. Writing America is necessary, delicious, and nourishing food for the American artist, reader and writer." (Min Jin Lee author of Free Food for Millionaires)"Shelley Fisher Fishkin is the best guide you could have through American literature and the places that inspired it. She writes like an angel. She appreciates the diversity and humor of the American spirit. Read her!" (Erica Jong poet and author)"Writing America is designed for those who love not only literature, but also history and landscape, and the conversation they have with one another.  I could not stop reading." (Philip Deloria author of Playing Indian)"Smartly introduced, lavishly illustrated, and beautifully designed, Writing America treats the reader to sites associated with American authors and puts houses, landmarks, memorials, and museums into a vivid relationship with texts." (Werner Sollors coeditor with Greil Marcus of A New Literary History of America)"Writing America presents us with an exquisitely rendered geography, in word and image alike, of the nation's diverse literary heritage." (Eric J. Sundquist Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities, Johns Hopkins University)

About the Author SHELLEY FISHER FISHKIN is the Joseph S. Atha Professor of Humanities, professor of English, and director of American studies at Stanford University. She is also the award-winning author, editor or co-editor of over forty books and over one hundred articles, essays, columns, and reviews. She holds a Ph.D. in American Studies from Yale University and is a former president of the American Studies Association.

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Where to Download Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Get Honest Here White Folk By batteryBob Ms Fishkin is an American Hero presenting her tearing open the racism we all need to know about. We white people have to understand how bad our ancestors treated and we still do, the blacks, yellows, browns and reds.....

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Cott Hobart A literate and forceful presentation of material carefully omitted from my formal education.

See all 2 customer reviews... Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

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Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin ePub
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Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin AZW
Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin Kindle

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin
Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion), by Shelley Fisher Fishkin

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

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The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

Best PDF Ebook The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

De luxe boxed gift set of Tolkien’s most popular and charming tales; full of wit and humour, giants, dragons, magic and more, they are collected together for the first time and will delight readers of all ages.

Farmer Giles did not look like a hero. He was fat and red-bearded and enjoyed a slow, comfortable life. Then one day a rather deaf and short-sighted giant blundered on to his land…

The Adventures of Tom Bombadil collects hobbit-verses from the ‘Red Book’ and other poems relating legends and jests of the Shire at the end of the Third Age.

Smith of Wootton Major tells of the preparation of the Great Cake to mark the Feast of Good Children and the magical events which follow.

Roverandom is a real dog who is magically transformed into a toy and is forced to seek out the wizard who wronged him in order to be returned to normal. The story was written to console Tolkien's four-year-old son, Michael, who lost a beloved toy dog on the beach.

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #91518 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-19
  • Released on: 2015-11-10
  • Format: International Edition
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 5.39" h x 4.02" w x 10.35" l, 2.01 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 912 pages
The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien


Praise for books in this treasury:"Tolkien at his relaxed and ingenious best"The Times

"[Roverandom] is an old-fashioned story, yet it still speaks freshly today… would leap to life when read aloud to a child"Independent

“[Smith of Wootton Major] may be compared to the most delicate miniature but it is one of a rare kind: the more closely it is examined the more it reveals the grandeur of its conception. Whoever reads it at eight will still be going back to it at eighty” New Statesman

About the Author

J.R.R.Tolkien (1892-1973) was a distinguished academic, though he is best known for writing The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, plus other stories and essays. His books have been translated into over 60 languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

Where to Download The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. The Tolkien Treasury Indeed! By Hibiscus The Tolkien Treasury Audio Collection is a treasury indeed. Well recited by Sir Derek Jacobi, the titles included in this eight disc collection are:Farmer Giles of HamLeaf by NiggleSmith of Wooten MajorRoverandom, andLetters from Father Christmas, which is a most charming reading and sure to be a family listening tradition for Christmases to come.A must have for Tolkien fans and highly recommended for those who enjoy stories read aloud to them.

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The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien AZW
The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien Kindle

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Tolkien Treasury, by J. R. R. Tolkien

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Tales Of The Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), By Robert Asprin, Linda Evans. Bargaining with reviewing routine is no demand. Reading Tales Of The Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), By Robert Asprin, Linda Evans is not kind of something sold that you can take or not. It is a point that will certainly change your life to life much better. It is the important things that will give you many things around the world as well as this universe, in the real world as well as below after. As exactly what will certainly be given by this Tales Of The Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), By Robert Asprin, Linda Evans, just how can you haggle with things that has many advantages for you?

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Read and Download Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

TWO NOVELS OF TIME-TRAVELING ADVENTURE. Includes Time Scout and Wagers of Sin.When an experiment on an orbiting space station went wrong—bad wrong—ripples in time washed over the Earth bringing global disaster. The survivors, beginning to rebuild, learned that they were now able to travel into the past, utilizing the remnant time strings. But first, the time strings had to be mapped. That was the job of the brave pioneers known as time scouts. Their occupation was only slightly less dangerous than front line combat, and when it was discovered that a time traveler who wasn’t extremely careful could zap himself out of existence, elaborate rules to prevent that evolved, and it was the job of the time scouts to enforce them.Time Scout:Kenneth “Kit” Carson was one of the best, if not the best, time scouts in the business. But he has collected more than a few scars, both physical and mental, while poking around back in time, and trying not to draw the dangerous attention of the natives, not always successfully. Nowadays, he runs a small hotel at Time Terminal 86, and just wants to be a hotelier renting rooms to tourists on their way to see the Roman Circus Maximus or Victorian London firshand . . . until a cartain red-headed girl flounces out of his life through an illicit gate that may collapse and leave her lost eternally in the corridors of time . . . Wagers of Sin:Time Travel stations have become big business, with wealthy tourists taking vacations back in time. For Skeeter Jackson, one of Time Terminal 86’s least honest residents, scamming those tourists is a way of life. A man’s got to follow his calling, even a con man, and Skeeter might be a dyed-in-the-wool thieving scoundrel, but he freely admits it and relishes the crisp, cool feel of cash in hand—until one of his scams went terribly wrong, and he was in more trouble than even his quick wits and crooked tricks could get him out of again.At the publisher's request, this title is sold without DRM (Digital Rights Management).About Time Scout:“Engaging, fast moving, historically literate, and filled with Asprin's expertise on the techniques and philosophy of personal combat, this is first-class action sf.” —BooklistRobert Asprin was the legendary creator of the long-running Myth series in which fantasy adventure meets comedy in a delightful pandemonium of magic and adventure. Asprin’s Phule's Company saga, with its similarly irreverent look at military science fiction, was a New York Times bestseller. A fan favorite at SF conventions and an active participant in Society for Creative Anachronism mayhem, Asprin passed away in 2008.Linda Evans is coauthor with John Ringo of The Road to Damascus and with Robert Asprin of four novels in the Time Scout series for Baen, and also collaborated with Asprin on For King & Country. An expert on weapons both modern and ancient, she puts her expertise to good use in her science fiction. She lives in Jacksonville, FL.

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #249953 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-16
  • Released on: 2015-11-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

About the Author Robert Asprin was the legendary creator of the long-running Myth series in which fantasy adventure meets comedy in a delightful pandemonium of magic and adventure. Asprin’s Phule's Company saga, with its similarly irreverent look at military science fiction, was a New York Times bestseller. A fan favorite at SF conventions and an active participant in Society for Creative Anachronism mayhem, Asprin passed away in 2008.Linda Evans is coauthor with John Ringo of The Road to Damascus and with Robert Asprin of four novels in the Time Scout series for Baen, and also collaborated with Asprin on For King & Country. An expert on weapons both modern and ancient, she puts her expertise to good use in her science fiction. She lives in Jacksonville, FL.

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Where to Download Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. La-la Time Tours By Arthur W Jordin Tales of the Time Scouts (2015) is the first SF omnibus in the Time Scouts series This volume contains Time Scout and Wagers of Sin. The Bureau of Access Time Functions guards the time gates. The time scouts explore new gates and hunt down uptimers who prey off the natives.In these novels, Kenneth Carson is a retired Time Scout. Kit is famous for his exploits.Malcolm Moore is a time guide. He has a PhD in Classics and Archaeology and almost seven years experience as a guide. He works out of TT-86, Shangri-la Station.Skeeter Jackson is a scoundrel and a guide at TT-86. His smile is the only genuine thing about him.Montgomery Wilkes is an ATF agent at TT-86. He checks all departures to Primary.Ann Vinh Mulhaney is the best firearms shooter at TT-86. She is married to Kevin.Sven Bailey is Ann's partner. He is a master of bladed weapons.Granville Baxter is an executive with Time Tours. Bax is the tallest man on TT-86.Margo Smith is a slightly less than eighteen year old female. She is Kit's granddaughter.Agnes Fairchild is a newcomer to TT-86. She has become Skeeter's girlfriend.Marcus is a downtimer. He is married to Ianira and has two children. He desperately doesn't want to return to Rome.Lupus Mortiferus is a downtimer and a winning gladiator in the Roman games. He has paid for his freedom and is saving money to retire.Time Scout (1995) is the first novel in this series. Malcolm is hanging around Gate Six looking for someone to hire him. Everyone he approaches has been warned by Time Tours, Inc., about freelance guides. After he has tried all the tourists, Malcolm hangs around to watch to show.He briefly encounters Skeeter and counts his fingernails afterward. He sees Montgomery leave his sanctum and charge through the crowd in his uptime uniform. Then Ann and Sven appear, apparently from the firing range.He talks with Ann and Sven and is invited to go drinking with them. Since he is broke, Malcolm excuses himself from their drinking tour. He also turns down a dinner invitation from Ann.He really needs to find a job. But not with Time Tours. He has bad memories of their tricks and shady operations. He even considers becoming a vendor of food or knickknacks.After Gate Six closes, Malcolm goes over to Gate One. He half jogged through Frontier Town and ran through Victoria Station. He hears the klaxon and announcement that Gate One will open in two minutes.He cuts through Edo Castletown to the Primary area. It has barriers, ramps, fences, metal detectors, X-ray equipment and guards. It even has two medical stations at the foot of the ramp.Montgomery is focused on those departing. The incoming tourists stop at the medical stations. Some of the incoming are regulars, including the mailman.Malcolm follows the redhead. She has walked past the bar and then took a wrong turn. He finds her and leads her back to the bar. She says her name is Margo.Ann and Sven are in the bar. Bax comes into the bar wearing a crisp business suit, but he looks wilted. The baggage handlers has messed up another departure. Marcus brings him his favorite brew.Then Margo zooms in looking for Kit. Bax says that he isn't there unless he is in the back. Ann says that he isn't with them. Then Marcus asks if she has checked his hotel. Margo asks which hotel and then barrels out of the bar.Wagers of Sin (4996) is the second novel in this series. Agnes has gotten Skeeter a free pass through the gate to Rome. He has thought of a new scheme to use on the downtimers. He does some research on Roman times, but needs another bit of information. He thinks of all the people who might know and decides to ask Marcus.He encounters Kit in the Down Timer Bar and Grill. Skeeter is seriously terrified of Kit since learning about Margo's relationship with him. Skeeter had been very close to Margo, but hadn't quire gotten into her bed.Skeeter finds Marcus and asks him about the betting at the Circus Maximus. Marcus tells him that the best place for betting is on the Tiber side of the Circus. Skeeter thanks him and promises to repay him when he returns.Skeeter joins Agnes and the rest of the Time Tours party and goes through the gate to Rome. He falls back and scurries off to the Circus. He finds a good spot and starts accepting bets on the gladiatorial games.Most Romans bet only a few coppers. Yet one offers fifty gold coins at three to one odds on Lupus Mortiferus winning his match. After the man's slave returns with the money, Skeeter leaves to go back to the Time Tours inn.Skeeter is hungry, so he buys a few morsels from the vendors. Then the crowd roars and he asks the vendor about the shouting. The man says that the emperor as set a special event to celebrate the hundredth fight of Lupus.Skeeter realizes that he is in trouble. He starts walking at a fairly fast pace toward the inn. The bettor calls out his name. Skeeter starts running as fast as he can go.The bettor is slightly faster than Skeeter. After getting through a crowd of horse handlers, Skeeter looks back and sees the bettor approaching him. Skeeter steals one of the horses and gallops off on him.The next installment in this omnibus sequence is Tales of the Time Scouts 2Highly recommended for Asprin & Evans fans and for anyone else who enjoys tales of time travelers, impulsive teenagers, and a bit of scamming. Read and enjoy!-Arthur W. Jordin

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The Main Problem the Lead Character By Amazon Customer The immaturity of one of the lead characters was just too much and took away the exciting and so historically interesting stories. I did not read this book to have to deal with such a constant source of displeasure and I certainly did not plan to read a book on a young teenager who cannot seem to keep out of trouble. Historical settings were interesting but the storyline was disappointing and limited by Margo.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Love Robert Aspirin By Amazon Customer Amazing story with his usual sense of humor woven through out. I never tire of his writing.

See all 4 customer reviews... Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans PDF
Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans iBooks
Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans ePub
Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans rtf
Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans AZW
Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans Kindle

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans
Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout - Collection Book 1), by Robert Asprin, Linda Evans

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Think of that you get such particular outstanding experience as well as understanding by simply checking out a book Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), By GJ Kelly. Exactly how can? It seems to be greater when an e-book can be the most effective point to uncover. E-books now will show up in printed and also soft file collection. Among them is this publication Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), By GJ Kelly It is so usual with the published books. Nonetheless, lots of folks often have no space to bring guide for them; this is why they can't read the e-book anywhere they desire.

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Read Ebook Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

The Shi'ell Book 4 The Shi'ell is not alone. He knows now that he has friends, and he knows that he has family. He also knows there is a spy in Last Ridings. Leaving the chaos of Tamsin's Hall in his wake, Argovayne rides for home, bent upon warning his father Gawain that the Toorseneth has a traitor buried deep within the ranks of New Raheen. What begins as a simple yet urgent journey soon becomes a lethal hunt, a race against time, and three Dwarfspit arrows the difference between success and catastrophe...

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #213751 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-30
  • Released on: 2015-11-30
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Where to Download Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. I was disappointed in Argo as a main character By Amazon Customer I've been a fan of this author since the day Gawain returned to find his homeland destroyed and began his mission of vengeance.When I first began the Shi'ell series, I was disappointed in Argo as a main character. I'd hoped to be able to pick out pieces of his mother and father in his character, but his coldness and distant demeanor made it hard for me to warm up to him. Luckily, this resolved itself quickly. The banter between the companions truly made the story, and soon I was captured by his storyline and cheering him on as he developed both as a hero and as a person.I've always disliked the long portions of the storyline that involve the hero traveling alone. While I appreciate glimpses into his thoughts, the extremely long internal monologs tend to make my attention wander once I've grasped the explanation/resolution of whatever conflict the character was mulling over. GJ Kelly is one of the few authors that make it worth it to hang in there. His characters are just so immensely likeable, you can't help but keep going just to find out what happens to them.That being said.....Sirina. I don't think anyone loves her at this point. Other reviewers have said it better than I ever could, but I do want to add this:***spoilers***The importance of the Shi'ell has been an ongoing plot line since the previous series. His myth and legend discussed in detail since long before his birth. As the readers, we picked up this series in order to see the fruition of all this planning....only to be (seemingly) betrayed. Is the shi'ell merely a strawman for the enemy to target while the real work is done by others?I refuse to believe that everything up to this point has been for nothing. Unless GJ Kelly has surrendered his writing to a ghost author, there must be an explanation. Plots within plots. Because if Sirina is the new kindred heroine, my new hope will be that the series conclusion ends with a ranger's arrow finding it's way into her cold, compassionless heart.I have faith in Mr. Kelly. I just hope that we don't have to wait too long for this explanation. To have to sit through several books' worth of Argo thinking he's useless after 4 books of development would be too much for me.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Not as good as any of the previous books- a wild goose chase, for characters and readers. By W.J.R I enjoyed this book the least of any within the two series. (I've loved both series, never giving a book below 4 stars) As always the strength of the story is the interplay and dialogue between the main character and his companions and that remains a strong point. The further the Shi'ell story goes along the more I realize that some of the magic of the previous series is missing in this series. Part of that magic in the first series was the combination of : The greater challenge+ spitting in the eye of fate+ the love story + the value of maintaining care and humanity despite the awful circumstances.Spoiler- Sirina lacks everything mentioned above, is the antithesis of everything the story(s) valued before. I ended up wanting her plans and the people around her to fail, I'm embarrassed to admit, I thought for a moment, ...wouldn't it be fitting if Sirina and Kamryn encountered a surviving assassin and both died on their return trip.But Sirina aside, the biggest issue is time wasted by the character, and readers. Because basic, well known information is denied (by Sirina) Argovayne and readers slog through a story that ultimately ends being about a worthless chase to nowhere, leading to nothing.At the end of the chase to nowhere Agrovane learns:1. He is not worth/worthy of knowing the "real" plans. Tools don't need know the details.2. He is, and has always been disposable, even to his family, and is unimportant to the larger battle being waged. He's a fire and forget weapon.3. Is hated by his sister, she has always seen him pathetic. (Perhaps a view shared by his mother, who keeps Sirina as her confidant)4. He is not person to be loved by anyone other than his friends.All in all a pretty unfulfilling read.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Ah, (character who shall remain anonymous for the sake of spoilers), why do you vex me so? By BookLover14 The book overall was good and I would recommend reading it and continuing the series, but there were a few issues I had. Should you like to see why I didn't give 5 stars (3.5, is what I gave), continue reading at your own risk.*Spoilers*While I gave this book 4 stars, my real belief is that it is closer to 3.5. I love this author--he is absolutely one of my favorites, and will likely continue to be. However, I was fairly disappointed with the turn of events in this story. Argo's entire journey (literally the entire book) and his existence in general, was rendered useless and deemed a disappointment by a cold, unforgiving Sirina. Her character became so unlikable to me that I almost want her to fail (well, I certainly want her to fail, but not the kindred entirely). I'm fond of Argo, and have rooted him on from the beginning. The ending, I suspect (read: hope) has some specific purpose other than to shame Argo and make him look like an utter waste of Human, Elf, and White Haired flesh. That said, the book did further his character significantly, the newer characters (Hagai and Kaera) were excellent, and the world building was just as fantastic as previous books. For this reason I rounded up rather than down when rating the book. I haven't yet come across a major detail that had no further impact on the overall story, so it will take more than an ending of disappointment to dissuade me from continuing the series. If anything, I want to read more to see Argo redeem himself and knock Sirina on her pompous a**! I'm hoping, Mr. Kelly, that my wishes will come true, if not exactly as described :)

See all 6 customer reviews... Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

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Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly iBooks
Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly ePub
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Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly AZW
Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly Kindle

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly
Three Dwarfspit Arrows: Book Four (The Shi'ell 4), by GJ Kelly

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

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Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Best PDF Ebook Online Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

The Rosetta Stone of Disney Magic

Warning! There be secrets ahead. Disney secrets. Mickey doesn't want you to know how the magic is made, but Jim Korkis knows, and if you read Jim's book, you'll know, too. Put the kids to bed. Pull those curtains. Power down that iPhone. Let's keep this just between us...

If you've come expecting more of the same Disney trivia, you're in for a surprise. This is not a Disney trivia book. It's a book of Disney secrets, each exactly two pages long, and each brimming with backstage lore. Jim Korkis gathered these secrets when he worked at Walt Disney World as an instructor at Disney University. They're all true. They're all cool. And they include:

  • How the popularity of Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach meant the doom of an important piece of Disney history
  • United Arab Emirates, Equatorial Africa, Costa Rica, and other planned Epcot pavilions that never were
  • Disney's original plans for Figment, how corporate politics turned him purple, and why the Dreamfinder shrunk
  • Wilderness Junction, the Alpine Resort, the Enchanted Snow Palace Ride, and other abandoned attractions
  • Beacon Joe, the character you've never heard of, even though he appears numerous times throughout Disney World


Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #8969 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-10
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .46" w x 6.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 200 pages
Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Where to Download Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Packed with things you never knew. By Bruce W. Graham My copy just arrived and, flipping through it, ended up reading the two page section of The Great Movie Ride which consists of twelve short paragraphs. Though I consider myself to be rather knowledgeable about WDW, each of the twelve paragraphs taught me something new. I was 0 for 12! I look forward to reading the other 176 pages.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A must- get for any lover of Disney Trivia or History. By Wulfstan The Right (and Write) Stuff!. There are scads of rumors about the Disney Parks, but Jim Korkis knows the facts, and is happy to tell them to us in this entertaining and educational (if you love Disney trivia) book. Some rumors are even spread by Cast Members- I remember one CM telling me that the 'two finger point" was due to the fact the Walt was a heavy smoker(he was, but he never smoked in front of his public, the two finger point is due to the fact that pointing with one finger is either rude or bad luck in some cultures).Anyway, for fans of Disney Trivia and History, here is a nice compilation of FACTS about Walt Disney World. Many things are covered such as Cinderella Castle, Inside Spaceship Earth, the railway garden at the German Pavilion, Remembering Body Wars (Did you know that Leonard Nimoy directed the film?), the many bits of pieces of stuff from The Rocketeer (one of my fave films!) scattered around, and many, many more.One cool addition is several chapters on "Things that Never Were" such as some of the World Showcase Pavilions that didn't get built- Russia, Spain, Israel, etc.Very readable, and a must- get for any lover of Disney Trivia or History.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful. FINALLY!!! A BOOK ABOUT WALT DISNEY WORLD WITH TRUE FACTS, TOLD IN AN ENTERTAINING MANNER!!! By Jerry Edwards I continually check Amazon for any new book listing by Jim Korkis. I consider him the consumate professional DISNEY HISTORIAN. I know from reading his books over the years that his facts on all things Disney are REAL FACTS, not rumors and outright lies that are SWORN TO BE TRUE by other "so called" experts. I've been waiting several years for this Walt Disney World book, since there is SO MUCH misinformation out there on Walt Disney World. I especially welcome this book because I know very little about WDW, compared to Disneyland - since I'm a Disney fan who has lived on the West Coast most of my life. Although I've visited Disneyland numerous times, I've only been to WDW's Magic Kingdom and EPCOT once each - both on the July 4th weekend in 1988. I've read as many books as I could find on Walt Disney World over the years, but so many of the books seemed to be clones of each other - often repeating incorrect information that even I knew was not true. I'm THRILLED that I can finally read a book about WDW that I can trust and know that the facts within the book are REALLY TRUE FACTS!! As usual, Jim Korkis brings his clear writing style to inform and entertain anyone interested in the subject of his Disney book. This time, I know many WDW fans will love being informed and entertained by the special contents of this book!! Thanks for this book, Jim - but NOW I WANT A VOLUME TWO & THREE & FOUR, etc. There is just so much info on WDW that I want you to continue to share!!

See all 22 customer reviews... Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

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Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis
Secret Stories of Walt Disney World: Things You Never You Never Knew (Volume 1), by Jim Korkis

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Get the benefits of reading practice for your lifestyle. Reserve Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word And Picture Cards, With Learning TipsFrom Button Books message will certainly consistently associate to the life. The genuine life, understanding, science, wellness, faith, home entertainment, and much more could be found in composed books. Several writers supply their experience, science, study, and all points to show you. Among them is through this Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word And Picture Cards, With Learning TipsFrom Button Books This e-book Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word And Picture Cards, With Learning TipsFrom Button Books will certainly supply the required of message and also declaration of the life. Life will be finished if you recognize a lot more things with reading publications.

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Download Ebook Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

The laminated flashcards in this pack are ideal for teachers, parents, and caregivers to teach the alphabet to children ages three and up. There are two sets of cards. One set has the letters of the alphabet and delightful illustrations by Alain Grée. The second set of cards has the letters in lower and upper case. Notes are included with handy suggestions for games and activities with the cards.

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #807473 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.20" h x 5.60" w x 3.40" l,
  • Binding: Cards
  • 54 pages
Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

About the Author Alain Grée is a French author and illustrator of children’s books. He has had over 300 books published and translated into 20 different languages. He has also worked as a children’s broadcaster on French national television, produced three detective novels, ten ship navigation books, and been a journalist for 20 years for Voiles et Voiliers (sailing ships) magazine. He is currently a graphic designer and editor for various advertising publications. His main hobby is sailing. He’s owned several boats since the 1970s and has crossed the Atlantic Ocean twice. He finds his sailing trips provide the perfect time out to work on new children’s stories and illustrations. He lives in St.Tropez, France.

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Where to Download Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four Stars By Benjamin Yong My baby go and fold all the cards. LOL

See all 1 customer reviews... Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

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Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books
Alphabet - Flash Cards: 54 Word and Picture Cards, with Learning TipsFrom Button Books

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition),

Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

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Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Read and Download Ebook Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

La llegada de un forastero inquieta el equilibrio de la vida en el bosque y el pobladito. Acompaña a Ashna y al resto de Los Cuidadores del Bosque en un paseo que transformará la visión de progreso de este nuevo amigo. Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado es un libro divertido para toda la familia.

Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #413162 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-07
  • Format: Large Print
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x .10" w x 8.00" l, .30 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 42 pages
Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Where to Download Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Uno de los cuentos mas magicos con los que he leido, extraordinario y positivo para niños, refrescante e impactante para adultos By Bb El mensaje del cuento y come se desarrolla la trams es un llamado a la conciencia y al poder de cambio que vive en cada uno de nosotros, grande o chiquitin. La pureza, bondad e individualidad de cada uno de los personajes (antagonists incluido) es una exaltacion refrescante, poco habitual y muy necesitada de nuestra naturaleza humana. No hay luchas de bien y mal, sino un recorrido de idealismos, toma decisiones, acciones tomadas desde puntos y creencias tan integras que impactan positivamente un entorno y como cuminidad tienen la oportunidad de disfrutar de una victoria. La calidad de las ilustraciones en este libro de cuento es para el deleite de adultos y niños. Los detalles son tan intensos y hermosos que sientes que puedes tocar el canvas en el cual fue plasmado. El "tripeo" interactivo de las palabras que salen cuando tocas los personajes es un vacilon para los niños, mi sobrino no paraba de "click" y preguntar una y otra vez "que dice?" (por que no sabe leer) y repetirlo como si fuese la primera vez que lo escuchaba (apesar de escucharlo ya, un centenar de veces). Lo recomiendo para su collection personal y para un bien regalo.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A must have for all the children that want to be involved in protecting our planet! Kudos to the author! A success!! By Pen Name This is, by far, the best book for children dedicated to our Mother Earth. The illustrations and the messages make my skin crawl in a very positive way! Cant wait for my children to enjoy it and all the other kiddos out there!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Amazing illustrations By Zoribel Lopez Great story for kids showing the importance of maintaining and caring for the environment. The ilia trains are just beautiful. Loved it. I'm going to give this book as gift to all my nieces and nephews.

See all 5 customer reviews... Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

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Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana
Los Cuidadores del Bosque: Un visitante inesperado (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Eduardo Saldana

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

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I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

PDF Ebook Download : I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

While the others slept, Aidan spent hours each night running sim after sim. Although he was only a twelve-year cadet, he had completed more simulations than any prime— ever.

“You are setting history,” General Estrago told him. “No one has ever made it to the current simulation you are attempting. The other Masters and I are eager to see what comes next.”

So was Aidan.

Book Synopsis: The planet Ethos is at war with a mysterious enemy known as the Splicers. Their only successful defense is the Prime Initiative. All newborns with the compatible genetic code are taken from their families and injected with the Prime Stimulus. Each child that survives the stimulus develops an extraordinary ability and is conscripted into the military for training.

After turning twelve, Aidan is moved to the upper-class at the Mount Fegorio training complex. His special gifts allow him unprecedented success in the virtual training simulations, advancing him further than any prime cadet in history. No one knows what lies after sim 299, not even Director Tuskin, the ruthless and reclusive ruler of their planet. But something, or someone, has been guiding Aidan there. If he can pass the final tests, he may discover the key to ending the Splicer War.


From the imaginative mind of debut author Johan Twiss, I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 is an extraordinary space fiction adventure series that will delight readers of all ages. I AM SLEEPLESS has a clean read rating with the perfect mix of adventure, humor, and mystery in a SciFi Fantasy world that will keep you turning pages through the night.

Clean Rating: There are no scenes with sex, drugs, graphic violence or typical "earth" swearing in this novel. There are numerous fight scenes and action sequences where people are injured and/or die, but it is not graphic and takes place in a virtual simulation. Swear words are fitting to the fictional world of Ethos, such as Tuskin's Fury, Batmonkeys, Holy Hippophants, etc... There are budding romances with kissing involved. There are suspenseful situations with monster alien creatures, fitting of the science fiction genre, and an overall thematic undertone of good v. evil that is suitable for tweens, teens and young adults.

I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2635624 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .73" w x 5.25" l, .73 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 290 pages
I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

Review Aiden to join the ranks of Harry, Ron and Ender -Southern BelleIf you enjoy sci-fi, don't miss this one. This book captured my attention and imagination quickly. It isn't one of those books that takes the first 100 pages to get hooked, this one grabs you in chapter one. With limited time, I only allowed myself bedtime to read a bit. I found myself really looking forward to reading this each night and really regretted when this book came to an end.A brilliantly written book from beginning to end that will exercise your imagination - Bridget Mattson (Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer) Before you say that there are enough science fiction books on the market, I urge you to give I Am Sleepless: Sim 299 a chance. In the beginning, I was thinking to myself "oh great, another science fiction book", but those thoughts were quickly changed to "wow, what a science fiction book". This book incorporates science fiction elements with fantasy elements and the result is nothing short of spectacular.The author of I Am Sleepless: Sim 299 is either a brilliant author or an insane lunatic for displaying such a vivid imagination. My vote is brilliant due to the way the words jump off the page and into your own imagination.My 11 Year Old Loved It - Mama's Little MinionsThis book was well written, by a very creative mind. The book while not really my cup of tea so to speak was a huge hit with my 11 year old son. He hates to read so imagine my shock & joy when he asked to use my tablet and sat down and read this book! He would get super excited and engrossed in his reading, which leads me to believe this book not only caught his attention but drew him into the story as well.I dare you not to get sucked into the plot - Sandy Toes (Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer)I almost passed on this book, because although I like sci-fi, I'm not normally a fan of YA, especially when the main protagonist is only 12 years old. I'm more drawn to more mature YA, such as Divergent or Hunger Games, which deal with older characters and more adult themes. I was further skeptical, because the synopsis of the book sounded like a rip-off of Ender's Game. The first couple of chapters reinforced that feeling, but then something strange happened, and before I knew it, I began to care about Aiden and his friends. To be sure, there are echoes of Ender's Game, but I dare you not to get sucked into the plot despite yourself.

About the Author Dear Brilliant Reader,​My name is Johan Twiss. It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for your interest in my books. Besides being an author, I'm also a husband, a father, a church volunteer, and a business owner. As such, I am sleepless (along with much of the human race.)I am passionate about writing clean science fiction and fantasy stories that are not only exciting, but suitable for tweens, teens and adults alike.Have a question? Complaint? Want to send me a gift card to the Cheesecake Factory? Simply reach out to me at my website (just search for my name, Johan Twiss).Happy reading and all the best,Johan

I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

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Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Worth the read By Cindy Right from the very first chapter this book has you hooked. I did go back and read the first chapter twice to get a better understanding of the primes. Throughout the book there was levels of mysteries, and intrigue. You will not want to put it down as the book leaves you wanting to find out what happens next. It sweets you to a magical place much like Narnia, Harry Potter, Divergent, and so many other wonderful book take you. It was so descriptive that I could see exactly everything playing out in my head, like a movie. It is something that is easy enough for young kids to comprehend and yet entertaining enough for adults of all ages to enjoy. The ways the prime system works is quite innovative, and the technology that is described in this story makes you amazed at the imagination of the human mind. Would recommend it to anyone.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful. An excellent book about futuristic nerds, relationships, preparing for battles against unknown enemies, and spiritual awakenings By John WilliamsSon 2100 I am reviewing this book based on reading the paperback edition of the book. The author mailed me an autographed copy of the book with NO obligation on my part. I do not know the author, but I feel like I know him through his characters.REVIEWEvery 12-year-old imagines being able to get back at the big kids at school when he is a lowly plebe. Aidan is 12 years old, and is his universe's version of a Nerd. He was taken away from his parents practically as soon as he was born, and he has no idea who they were. He was placed into a "family" of 12 kids, all the same age, but before the book starts, 9 of those kids have died, and there are only three left. They call each other brothers and sister.Aidan is a Prime, a child with special powers that came upon him as the result of the "Prime Stimulus" which is an injection given to any baby whose genetic code is compatible with the stimulus. Unfortunately, each Prime has some kind of defect. Aidan's main defect is the inability to sleep, thus the title of the book.Enough of an introduction. This book is delightful. With hours of time not available to his mates, Aidan has been very successful playing his world's equivalent of video games, playing a virtual reality simulation of many levels in which, if you are hurt or killed, you feel it as if it had happened to you in real life, but you wake up back in real life. Aidan is so good that he can beat the 16-year-olds in the simulations.The author uses many examples of word play, using different meanings for the same phrase, which is a nice way to remind young readers how flexible our English language is. For example, on page 124, we read,>Here's another example of wordplay from page 138:>Humor also abounds, On page 40, one character tells another,>Their world is filled with combination animals, and each chapter is preceded by a picture of one of those animals, some rather strange combinations that could not happen in nature, others that theoretically could happen but don't; bearcat, dragleon, cobramoth, crocobull, and many more. These many animals give the author a chance to introduce his readers to old expressions in new settings. On page 175, we see:>One of the hallmarks of an excellent book to me are the ones that give me spiritual inspiration. Let me finish my review by sharing two passages that inspire me, and what they mean to me:page 234:>Meaning to me? Each of us have personal powers and abilities that we have received from "infinity" and even if we don't yet know how to use them in real life, they are a part of us, they are inside us.page 244:>Meaning to me? A few years ago, I had a dream in which I found myself flying through the air in a strange place, and I called out, "Is this death? If so, I'm ready!" When I was younger, I was scared of activities that could lead to death. Not only was I afraid of going to Vietnam, I was afraid of the Peace Corps because I didn't know what to expect.Just as this book touched my awareness, these characters expand their awareness as they learn to work together, even the 12 and the 16's learning to work together as they come closer to their destiny, and approach and learn about the rebellions that are taking place in the outside world from which they have been shielded all their life.CONCLUSIONThis is an excellent book, not just for the youth audience that it is written for, but for adults. I'm 64 and I loved reading this book. It is book one in a three book series, and I am definitely planning to read the other books when they come out.I highly recommend this book.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Wacky characters, interesting "science" By DeniseG Wow! What a wacky cast of characters. Kids being changed into extra-human non humans to fight a war. Interesting that their colors identify their special power, This one is kind of crazy, very entertaining with super technology and personalities. Ends better than it starts. This was not a "read to the end" type book for me. I am glad I finished it.

See all 75 customer reviews... I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

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I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss

I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss
I AM SLEEPLESS: Sim 299 (Volume 1), by Johan Twiss